A lifestyle magazine for Baby Boomers and Seniors, distributed free throughout South Florida
BoomerTimes & Senior Life magazine is designed to bring your message directly to the eyes of over 160,000 readers in South Florida. Founded in 1990, we are the only multi-media, interactive marketing company (headed by a Gerontologist) specifically targeting Baby Boomers and Active Seniors in the State of Florida. We are also an event planning group presenting: the BoomerExpo and C.U.R.E. Medical & Scientific Symposium twice a year.
BoomerTimes & Senior Life is an entertaining and informative monthly magazine distributed free throughout South Florida. Distribution points include condominiums and high traffic commercial areas that cater to Baby Boomers & Active Seniors, from Palm Beach county through Broward and North Miami-Dade counties. It is also inserted monthly in the Miami Herald in selected zip codes. Our readers are active and savvy consumers, interested in ensuring a satisfying lifestyle for themselves and their families.